I made these decorate ornaments to hang around the house.
This image is from Bugaboo.
This image is from Sew Many Cards,
This image is from Karber.
Here there are hanging in my entry way.
Your next stop is Sandi -
Here are some other Halloween projects I have made this month. They have all already been posted on my blog so scroll down for details.
Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the hop. Make sure to check out Liz's blog for some chances to win and some great sponsors. Your next stop is Sandi
Here is the line up in case you get lost...
Liz - http://decadeofscrap.blogspot.com
Teresa - http://scrappintplace.blogspot.com
Misty - http://mbtreasurista.blogspot.com
Deb - http://craftytexaswoman.blogspot.com
Jamie - ME
Sandi - http://oneofakindcreations-bysandi.blogspot.com
Anne- http://annemade-anne.blogspot.com
Tahi - http://tahisscrapcorner.blogspot.com
Lina- http://www.sweetnothingspaperco.blogspot.com/
Leslie - http://ScrapOfArtDesigns.blogspot.com
Misty - http://mbtreasurista.blogspo
Deb - http://craftytexaswoman.blogsp
Jamie - ME
Sandi - http://oneofakindcreations-bys
Anne- http://annemade-anne.blogspot.
Tahi - http://tahisscrapcorner.blogsp
Lina- http://www.sweetnothingspaperc
Leslie - http://ScrapOfArtDesigns.blogs